Our new Teamsnap Registration system allows us to take Payments by most Credit Cards, Prepaid Credit Cards and Visa Debit.
We will not, barring exceptional circumstances, be accepting Cash, Cheque or E-Transfer Payments from now on - this protects the security of our Regional Managers On-Field.
Jumpstart is a Magnificent Financial Aid Program which we adore and widely accept.
In order to Register as a Jumpstart Recipient, go through Registration as normal. Once you reach the payment screen, pause there. Teamsnap saves your progress.
Submit your Application with Canadian Tire Jumpstart. They will send you a Confirmation email once your application is submitted. Screenshot/forward that confirmation to westkootenayfootie@gmail.com.
We will then generate and send you a unique Voucher Code, which you input on the first page of Registration. This code zeroes your balance and allows you to complete Registration.
The Process of Registering as a Homeschool Funding Recipient works exactly the same as Jumpstart Applicants (see that section).
Simply send your funding request to your homeschool provider, who will contact us.
Once that is done - send us a copy of that request and we will generate and send your Unique Voucher Code to zero your balance and allow you to complete Registration.
We are firmly a Recreational Club. With this in mind, we believe the early years players - Minis and Grade K/1s - should focus on learning the basic skills of the game in an environment where it is all about fun, confidence building and connection.
As a result - Mini and Grade K/1 players do not play competitive matches and have a more compact length of practice each week, easing them into the sport without burning them out.
This is reflected in the lower price for a Mini or Grade K/1 Player.
Like our own human experience, we seek to grow and evolve to better ourselves.
Things like developing programs, developing venues and equipment, staff and administrative systems are in a never ending state of growth and development - all done under our guiding principles:
+ Respect
+ Inclusiveness
+ Equity
Our aim is to provide our players and their families with an enjoyable, accessible and safe experience that only gets better each year!
Last Minute/First Day of Practice Registration may make sense to a busy parent, however it leads to a chaotic scramble on our end.
- Building Balanced Teams
-Creating Schedules ahead of time
- Ensuring everyone has Uniforms
- Ensuring everyone has enough equipment
- Ensuring we have enough staff in a Region
All of these things are not something we want to rush. It makes for a better experience for everyone involved to be ready ahead of time. Fortune Favors the Prepared!
So please, get those Registrations in before Season Start in April and September. The sooner, the better!
If they want to avoid playing themselves every weekend? Yes. but only within the areas our Club covers.
We have a Groups System, dividing our Regions into two distinct Groups known as 'Group North' and 'Group South' to mitigate travel as much as possible. With Jamborees and the Final Tournament designed to bring the two Groups together for epic days of games!
Teams will also have a split of games played at Home (on the field they practice on) and Away. We try to divide this as evenly as humanly possible, with considerations like Venue Availability taken into account.
We firmly believe that no team should force others to always come to them. The burden is shared - besides, it's an adventure for the players!
This one is important for large families! We offer a $25 per player (In Spring) and $5 per player discount (In Fall) for the 3rd and each subsequent child in Registration.
To use this discount, you first MUST Register your children as one Registration (using the 'Add Player' function in Player Details). Doing this allows Teamsnap to recognise a multi-player family and make available the discount options.
Once all of your players have been added into your Registration, you will notice at the bottom of the 'Fee Selection' page the discount options. Select each one that applies to you IN TURN. Miss a box, miss a discount.
The system should then automatically calculate those discounts at the payment screen and apply it to your total.
This fee is collected by the Credit/Debit Card processing provider and not us. We just like transparency and made it visible.
Clear Policies are part of maintaining cohesion and fairness to all of our hundreds of members. Experience is one of the greatest teachers of all, and through that experience Policies may develop and change as the Club grows, improves and changes.
Below are the Major Policies worth knowing about:
Payment Policy
NO Cheque or Cash Payments will be accepted, barring exceptional circumstances. Jumpstart, Homeschool and other Funding Aid are the exceptions as they send funds directly to us after a successful application.
Refund Policy
Requests for refunds must be made in writing to West Kootenay Football administration. Refunds will be given when requests are made in writing to West Kootenay Football administration no less than 7 days prior to the first day of the program. No refunds will be given after the program begins except due to injury. Refunds due to injury will be provided once West Kootenay Football administration receives a letter from the doctor noting the date of the injury. Refunds will then be pro-rated, less $30 administration fee, from the date of injury. Refunds are only given to players cancelling registration for the purpose of not returning to his or her program.
Conduct Policy
As a Recreational Program we follow the Official Laws of the Game published by FIFA each year. Players who behave in a consistently disruptive/rude/disrespectful manner AT ANY TIME will be sidelined, in the knowledge they are welcome to return to play/practice when they are ready to not continue behaving in a disruptive/rude/disrespectful manner. Guardians and Designated Trusted Adults are subject to the same standards of conduct as the players, with the same consequences, wherever a West Kootenay FC activity is taking place. NO REFUNDS will be given for players of a parent who has been banned due to Gross Misconduct.
All players below Grade 7 level must have a designated Adult present on the field during practices and games. This can be a parent or a trusted adult, who must be introduced to the Regional Manager before they are allowed to act in that role.
We are only responsible for player conduct during the practice/match they are engaged in. The Guardian of the player is responsible for their player's conduct at all other times. If a player's misconduct results in property damage; the player's designated Guardian, as listed in their Registration, will be held liable. West Kootenay Football Club has a Board Disciplinary Committee, who will investigate and, if necessary, take action on disciplinary issues.
Disciplinary Outcomes
Should an incident go to the Board Disciplinary Committee, they will investigate and decide upon any necessary actions that need to be taken. Some Examples of Issues that could be brought before the Disciplinary Committee and their outcomes are listed below:
Property Damage – Costs of repairs, including materials, labour and taxes placed upon Guardian.
Consistent Unresolved Disruptive/Disrespectful Behaviour– 1 Practice suspension.
Dangerous Play During Matches (Red Card Given by Referee)– 1 Match Suspension.
Gross Misconduct (Violence, extreme property damage, racism/sexism/bigotry/threatening behaviour, etc)
– Removal from the Program without Refund.
We want to ensure our players and their families have a safe, enjoyable atmosphere to be themselves in. By having these policies and potential outcomes it protects not just our staff and volunteers, but also our entire membership.
Copyright © 2020 West Kootenay Football Club - All Rights Reserved.
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